Inter-song Gap (Lofi Limo part 17)

Published: 10/22/2021

I thought it might be fun to share some programming with you. I'm building a streaming music service for lofi hip-hop using Phoenix, Elixir, and plain JavaScript. You can check out what I've got so far at

In this seventeenth (!) episode, we'll look at adding a gap between songs to accommodate time required for the user agent to load some of the media before it starts playing.

Tagged: Programming

Previous in Programming: Player Time Remaining, Next Song (Lofi Limo part 16)
Next in Programming: Current Play Started Fix, Blinking Button, Audio Player Status (Lofi Limo part 18)

If this is the kind of thing you're into, you might enjoy my other videos. If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line.

Aaron D. Parks